I was sitting in my living room one day sneaking up on some enemy soldiers in the video game Metal Gear Solid 3 -Hideo Kojima (PS2) When suddenly, after playing the game for awhile, I began to notice some odd things about it. Some things were just plain o' obvious, and I'm sure a lot of people caught some of these as well.

You play Snake; an experienced combat veteran who's mission is to sneak into the wilderness of Russia to destroy a secret weapon codenamed "Metal Gear?!?". In doing so, Snake runs into a couple of interesting characters by the names of Adamska, and Eva... Now everyone, when you think of these two, course you would automatically run into the biblical account of Adam and Eve.
Snake, without trying, convinces the character Eva eat of "The forbidden fruit", making her defect from her country and eventually passes this "fruit" to Adamska (Ocelot) causing him to defect from Russia as well... Both of the characters seem to have been enticed by the snake. Eva with free will and Adamska by his change of identity.

But it doesn't end there! Not for a mile... In the beginning of the game you are also introduced to a character by the name of 'The Boss'.

While observing her "motherly" role toward the main character Snake, I automatically recalled my research dealing with Nimrod and his mother Queen Semiramis. I already knew Snake to be a drawn out image of Satan, but according to biblical history, it was Nimrod who rebelled, turned, and eventually became the symbol of the entire satanic movement til this day. He is the King of Babylon, the son of Queen Semiramis; the goddess of Babylon.
Well later in the game, I discovered another message, In a torture scene, Snake eventually loses his eye, and this really sent chills up my spine, because of the heavy symbolism associated with the one eye and its true meaning...
- All Seeing Eye
- One Eyed Beast (No Perversion ;)
- Horus and...
- The Sun God Ra
- 1 Dollar Bill?
If you do a little research, you will find that all of these symbols derived from the pagan gods of Sumerian and Babylonian religions. In almost all of them you will find boo-ku references of the one eye god.
I came to the conclusion that Hideo Kojima HAD to know something about Babylon and the account in the garden. Its clear. He embedded the messages so far in this game its scary... But the question still remains... Why? Why would a video game designer place so much detail in a video game? I understand a lot of writers and directors borrow ideas from different sources, but why this? What kind of message is the designer trying to portray?
When you complete the game, there is a little segment about how snake defeated the boss and received the title "Big Boss" Interesting isn't it. Because here we have Nimrod; rebelled, setup his kingdom, and then receives the title of King of Babylon. I think this is symbolism regarding Nimrods rise to deity status.
"Who are the Patriots...?"
I'm sure those who played the game know about the Patriots. In this game, Snake, and another character in the game by the name of Major Zero, erect a secret world government called the Patriots. The Patriots are depicted in the game as an organized Shadow Government that control the world like a puppeteer. And sitting at it's helm... The one Eyed Snake...
If you also play the other parts of the series, you would notice both vauge and loud messages regarding New World Government, and how all the characters honor and hold tribute to "Big Boss" the one eyed snake.
"Who are the Patriots...?"
I'm sure those who played the game know about the Patriots. In this game, Snake, and another character in the game by the name of Major Zero, erect a secret world government called the Patriots. The Patriots are depicted in the game as an organized Shadow Government that control the world like a puppeteer. And sitting at it's helm... The one Eyed Snake...
If you also play the other parts of the series, you would notice both vauge and loud messages regarding New World Government, and how all the characters honor and hold tribute to "Big Boss" the one eyed snake.
Please follow my blog, there is so much more to come!
- Kevo
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